Saturday, October 11, 2014

Basic Image Editing – Creativity Redefined

Basic Image Editing – Creativity Redefined

With IMPRESS’s basic image editing online service, you get superb images to impress your audience.

If you are looking for a service that can help you with professional looking photos in an instant, then these basic image touch up services will ensure you with mesmerizing pictures. These days, pictures are used in a variety of areas.
Read more about Basic Image Editing –

Dedicated Basic Photo Editing Services offered by Professionals

Dedicated Basic Photo Editing Services offered by Professionals

Tired of dull looking images? Do you feel your photos have not been clicked perfectly? Then, you are certainly in need of IMPRESS’s imaging editing services. With the dedicated editing team support, your normal looking photos will not be so normal looking anymore!

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Proficient Photo Editor in Onlineagencies

Proficient Photo Editor in Online agencies

Photo taking can be done by anyone who possesses a camera. All you need here is a steady hand and a seen to click.

To enhance the looks of the picture, you might want to edit it. With basic Photoshop skills, perhaps you can clear it a little, but to have a picture that is truly professional looking, you would require professional help.
Read more about Photo Editor in Online

IMPRESS’s Photo touch up online Service

IMPRESS’s Photo touch up online Service

Would you like to hire a service that provides professionally touch up photos?

Then, you certainly need IMPRESS’s photo touch up online service. With our dedicated services, you will be ensure with touching, retouching, editing and many more photo related services. Every minute details related to photo editing and intricate touch ups are carried out by our professional teams online.
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Studioimpress – Services retouch in Dubai

Studioimpress – Services retouch in Dubai

A beauty is connoisseur of all eyes, if this magnificence is presented that spell bounds not only the owner but who perceive it? This is where Studioimpress comes in. We are here, to retouch in Dubai picturesque to life with our assortment of services. 

Read more: Retouch in Dubai

Thursday, May 22, 2014

What If Famous Paintings Were Photoshopped to Look Like Fashion Models?

From the Renaissance to impressionism, these painted ladies now have a lot more thigh gap.

Of course it hasn’t always been that way. Throughout art history, painters from Titian to Rubens to Gauguin found beauty in the bodies of women who would never fit into a size 0. But what would these famous works of art look like were they to conform to today’s Photoshopped standards of beauty? We’ve taken a digital liquefy brush to the painstakingly layered oils of some of the most celebrated paintings of the female form, nipping and tucking at will. There may be something sacrilegious in that, but the same could be said for our contemporary ideas of beauty.
Is their another classic work of art you'd like to see photoshopped to meet today's beauty standards?  Email Lauren your ideas.

Titian, Danaë With Eros, 1544

(Photo: Wikipedia Commons)

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, Grande Odalisque, 1814

(Photo: Wikipedia Commons)

Edgar Degas, La Toilette, 1884–86

(Photo: Wikipedia Commons)

Raphael, Three Graces, 1504–1505

(Photo: Wikipedia Commons)

Paul Gauguin, Two Tahitian Women, 1899

(Photo: Wikipedia Commons)

Francisco Goya, Nude Maya, 1797–1800

(Photo: Wikipedia Commons)

Sandro Botticelli, Birth of Venus, 1486

(Photo: Wikipedia Commons)

Amedeo Modigliani, Nude Sitting on a Divan, 1917

(Photo: Wikipedia Commons)

Monday, April 14, 2014

What is jewelry retouching

What is jewelry retouching

In the era of film cameras melkopredmetnaya photography, including shooting and jewelry , is a rather difficult job as complicated by the fact that its processing ( retouching) was limited only to manual removal of large defects on the film or print processing paper with a pencil and other tools of the artist.

All this led to the fact that the photographer had to pay a huge amount of time in order to make the required amount of good pictures with the right angle and with optimal lighting . Digital age has simplified the job as photo artists and craftsmen work providing services jewelry retouching , as modern photo editors can significantly improve the quality of photos , even with significant defects.
The main objective of jewelry retouching is to create a spectacular and memorable image of a photograph of the main subject - jewelry.

As jewelry making retouching

Professional jewelry retouching involves the use of complex tools that allows you to make photos available on the jewel presentable. These are:

• sampling and conversion into the required format for source files;
• elimination of noise and defects in the product ;
• fix defective reflexes, as well as their dorisovki if necessary ;
• Improving the balance of black and white photographs;
• precious stones ;
• color correction ;
• increasing local contrast and improved image sharpness ;
• Clipping and posing on background ;
• Optimization for web ( if necessary) .

Thus , retouching jewelry involves the use of a rather large list of instruments , which in their totality , and can achieve a desired result .

Selection and conversion into the required format of source files
Here everything is clear - the master must select the most successful shots to achieve a desired result by the least effort .

Elimination of noise and defects in the product

Since jewelry are small in size and printed , they can be very large format , even the most minute defects (scratches , dents, unpainted parts and even the smallest dust particles ) on the source images can look just awful. Therefore, each such defect , as well as the noise in the images need to troubleshoot .

Correction of defective reflexes, as well as their if necessary

During shooting, the photographer is not always possible to construct a color to achieve the ideal form of reflexes on small objects. Because this work may take too much time , it is advisable to finish retoucher . In some cases, the reflexes are fully drawn master retouching .

Improving the balance of black and white photos

Special luster with precious photographs and jewelry given by treatment and improve the contrast of black and white , as well as by adding the image of light and dark spots. It also gives an opportunity to highlight and emphasize the attractiveness of the main object image.

Precious stones

It is no secret that the spectacular aesthetic perception of jewelry is often achieved at the expense of precious stones used for their production. That is why to this stage jewelry retouching wizard suitable especially carefully . This may require sharpening , contrast enhancement , the addition of the color spectrum as well as the use of special effects.


Correction during retouching jewelry is not only used to correct inaccuracies transmission color camera , but also due to the fact that the metal itself is used for making jewelry , may have an uneven color.

Increase local contrast and sharpness improvement

Using this tool, retouching is because during shooting small objects because of the nature of this work , the frame can lose about 50% of its actual resolution . This shortcoming will certainly need to eliminate.

Clipping and posing on background

This work is carried out with a view to an existing object on the photograph ( jewelry ) could be transferred to any other background without losing its showiness . Clipping also need to separate and reflectivity of an object if its shooting on a mirror background .

Optimizing for the web

Optimization of the treated web- picture to the medium if necessary , if it is positioned on the Internet . It gives you the opportunity to optimize the image for a particular web- platform based on existing requirements : graphics format and size.